Sunday Knows

“The Continual Enquiry”- something i’ve been pondering this week. I heard this from a conversational zen podcast that i listen to. Isn’t it fantastic! The idea that life is just one big moseying, answer-hunting, lesson learning, experiment conducting, enquiry! A beautiful, extensive glance into our universe and it’s moons. Our spirits and their dwellings, our creations and their love.  It’s such a wonderful idea, isn’t it!

I love to enquire. Always and lavishly, it’s been an age old habit of mine. at the moment i’m enquiring into the personas found within Australia’s design niche and where i’d like to sit, why making people feel visibly weirded out is so so hilarious, the use of 35 mm photos, how, these days, we are so far removed from homosapiens and what i call “true humans,” and concepts on beauty. Enquiring keeps me ticking and additionally does a great job at banishing small talk – always a plus!

I’ve been using it to navigate my way through the oh so merry humps and smooooth corners of the weeks endeavours – filled with manic but steady (how can both happen at once, i’m not sure – will have to enquire further) school tasks and physical feats!

Here’s this week’s online enquiries! Tussle your nose and please, share with me some of your own enquiries – i can’t get enough of them!

xx Olive

  • Imagine if they put as much emphasis into psychology in architecture / spaces within the adult world as they do in these Kindergartens.
  • A different avenue, but a great concept for people who suffer with their body, pain and barriers in their field!
  • This house reminds me so much our an old farm house in our family! A beautiful 2 minute video on some serious victorian talent!
  • Beautiful pieces of craft from a wonderful woman. Gift ideas, anyone??
  • A sucker for the process , traditional / humble craft and good photography, i was drooling over this!
  • A side note on a concept that’s found itself on my enquiring script – finding a uniform and finding peace in minimalism.

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